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BCL Law Notes Criminal Liability Notes

Criminal Liability Inchoate Offences Intro And Attempt Notes

Updated Criminal Liability Inchoate Offences Intro And Attempt Notes

Criminal Liability Notes

Criminal Liability

Approximately 62 pages

These are notes on Criminal Liability in Irish law with references to English Law (persuasive law to Ireland). There are separate documents on the following topics: Classification of Crimes, Actus Reus, Mens Rea, Inchoate offences with separate notes on 1) Intro and Attempt 2) Incitement 3) Conspiracy, and Secondary Liability & Complicity (aiding, abetting, procuring and counciling). They are comprised from a mixture of sources such as the Law Reform Commission reports, typed lecture notes, tu...

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Inchoate offences • 'just begun, not fully formed, LRC consultation paper on inchoate offences 2008 LCR report inchoate offences. • • • • • • • • • • • • Summarises the inchoate offences really well Be able to explain each offence including the Actus Reus and Mens Rea How would each one look in the context of different substantive offences - attempted child abduction v attempted rape Know how impossibility and abandonment arise in respect of each inchoate offences LRC proposals - Although approached from general principles, important to remember that there is no such thing as attempt on its own - it's always accompanied by the offence. Case law is hugely important - the detail of it and 'broad brush' won't suffice for the exam Parasitic on substantive offences Rules relating to them are basically all common law If there is a statutory offence such as criminal damage, you can attach incitement, attempt or conspiracy - the general principles attach on to existing offences but CANNOT EXIST ON THEIR OWN. ATTEMPT, CONSPIRACY AND INCITEMENT The issue: it is hard to distinguish where the actus reus begins and ends - if we decide that it begins too early, there could be a danger of over-criminalizing the perpetrator but if we draw the line too late, it could be too close to the actual and substantive offence which raises the question of why not charge them with the substantive one? LRC; • • 'inchoate liability…means the attribution of criminal liability for conduct leading up to, but not occasioning, the resulting harm that the criminal law prohibits'. 'punish on the basis risk or threatened criminal harm posed by an actor with a guilty mind' THE RATIONALE (i) (ii) Moral culpability; the person who intends to shoot but misses or who is interrupted by the authorities while committing a robbery is blameworthy Harm prevention; if inchoate offences did not exist the gardai would have to wait for the offences to be completed. SOME STATUTORY INCHOATE OFFENCES Possession of a knife - it's contrary to safety and you could say its an inchoate offence - they have not done anything but there is a risk or threatened criminal harm. ➢ They will be mostly common law • Handy for the criminal law, as instead of having loads of statutory attempted offences, you can use the common law principles and apply it to whatever. • LRC seem to think 'there is much uncertainty' - but there are distinguishable principles • ATTEMPT CCA:'An act done by the accused with specific intent to commit a particular crime' Actus reus - an intent to commit a target crime Mens rea - an act Wide scope understandably as they attach on to statutory offences. LRC; • Culpability required for attempting a crime should be informed by the culpability for the substantive offence. Should it be transformed into positive law? • • • • • Ascertaining the law through case law is quite hard and many cases use different language, reasoning and have contradictory results. The principle of certainty would require a statutory offence for attempt. However, this could also be a disadvantage to the application of the law in general and lead to adverse results. The lrc say that it would ensure democratic legitimacy as for the first time, elected representatives of the people would have a say in what the law in this area should be Authoritative source Settle dispute of case law More accessible R v Mohan English cases not very relevant in relation to problem questions. They offer detail on how things work and to put into concepts but Irish cases much more important for obvious reasons. James LJ'An attempt to commit crime is itself an offence. Often it is a grave offence' The People (AG) v Thornton 1952 Thornton had gotten a woman pregnant and they were not married. He went to doctor several times and made enquiries about poisons that would bring on a miscarriage. 3 visits. He was charged w/ attempting to procure miscarriage. Visit 1: nothing can be done about the pregnancy according to doctor. Visit 2: he asked for a prescription and the doctor refused to give it to him. visit 3: wasn't there some drug called ergot? Charge only brought in relation to visit 3. Enquiry. Offence = shall not "unlawfully supply or procure any poison or other noxious thing … knowing that the same is intended to be unlawfully used or employed with intent to procure the miscarriage of any woman." The actus reus was the statement made to the doctor. It is an attempt to get something to allow the actual attempt of supplying or procuring the poison. The mens rea is indistinct due to the different ways the actus reus could be interpreted, in other words…the statement was equivocal. These different interpretations do not ALL lead up to the crime ultimately. Haugh J Attempt: Consists of an act done by the accused with:a specific intent to commit a particular crime, THE JURY must be informed… It must bebeyond mere preparation direct movement towards the commission after the preparations have been made. If the act only 'remotely leads to the commission' it is not sufficient.Must be immediately connected with the substantive offence that a mere desire to commit a crime or a desire followed by an intent - is not sufficient. Intention in itself is not a crime and I not an attempted crime, either. ➢ Unequivocal. LRC: • • • • Perhaps the unequivocal interpretation of this approach is too complicated, and maybe the court simply did not think that the evidence was sufficient to establish the requisite mens rea and actus reus beyond reasonable doubt. It provides only a tenuous basis that an unequivocality requirement plays a part in Irish attempt law It is pre-dated by Sullivan, anyway. Sullivan makes no reference at all to equivocality. ACTUS REUS OF ATTEMPT • must bear some significant relationship to the actus reus of the full substantive offence look at the actus reus of the actual offence and try to draw them as closely together as possible APPROACHES the proximity approach:the act must be close to the commission of the substantive offence vagueness of proximity flexibility of the word - meaning an erosion of the balance of powers e.g. 'proximity' being a flexible word aids judicial discretion, taking away from legal definition and legislative roles. Criminal law is much more strict in how it should be dealt - restriction of liberty etc. ESPECIALLY for attempt which lays already in murky waters.

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